效果图教程所用的图片素材: 素材一素材二素材三Open the girl skin photo: File -Open (ctrl+o) 打开一张女孩子的图片:点击文件-打开(ctrl+O)。 图1Outline IT along the contour, using Polygonal Lasso Tool. Copy it: Edit ?Copy (ctrl+c) and insert it on a new layer, using the next command Edit ?Paste (ctrl+v). Erase the previous layer, using the button of fast erasing on the Layers window. 使用多边形套索工具选出MM的轮廓,复制,粘贴到新的层中,将原始图层里的东西全部擦除掉,可以换个大大的橡皮擦来擦~ 图2Take another instrument (Smudge Tool), preliminary setting brush hardness on 0% and paint the birthmarks and skin unevenness. 使用涂抹工具,将笔触的硬度设置为0%,将皮肤上的痣及其他与肤色不同的东西涂抹掉。 图3Apply Smart Blur filter. 使用特殊模糊。 图4Make the layer lighter using the command Image ?Adjustments ?Desaturate (shift+ctrl+u). 点击图像-调整-饱和度(shift+ctrl+u)将图像调亮一点。 图5Give a tone to the skin, using a color filter: Image ?Adjustments ?Photo Filter. Choose the yellow color. 点击图像-调整-照片滤镜,选择黄色,让背部的色调柔和一些~ 图6Take two tattoo pictures and place each of them on a new layer. 找两张纹身的图样,我们找的当然是蝴蝶和蝎子~将它们各自放到新的图层中. 图7Put them over the girl, one above the other and change both layers?type on Linear Blum. 把这两个图样放到女孩的背上,如下,进行一次线性模糊。 图8
Make the background now. Take a bamboo photo and place it on a new layer. Open it like a new file, mark it out with Rectangular Marquee Tool and copy it using the command Edit ?Copy (ctrl+c). Get back to the photo under processing and insert the background on a new layer with the next command: Edit ?Paste (ctrl+v). 下面我们来制作背景。找一幅竹子的图片,放置到一个新的层中。做法是找一幅竹子的大图,使用矩形选区工具选出合适大小,复制并粘贴到新的图层内。 图9Mark the unnecessary part of this photo with Rectangular Marquee Tool and erase it: Edit ?Cut (ctrl+x). Double the remained part with the command Layer ?Duplicate Layer and transform it with Edit ?Transform ?Flip Horizontal. 选择一块我们需要的部分,进行复制-粘贴,并将复制的部分进行反转(编辑-变换路径-水平反转)。 图10Move a little the picture until it connect with the turned photo part. Connect both layers with the command Layer ?Merge Layer (ctrl+e). 对图片的位置进行移动,直到两幅图完美的拼接起来,然后点击层-合并图层将两层合并(ctrl+E). 图11Apply the Smart Blur filter to this layer and make a kind of color correctness, using the command Image ?Adjustments - Curves (ctrl+m). 使用特殊模糊效果滤镜,并对颜色进行一下调整(图像-调整-曲线ctrl+M) 图12Add several highlights of different intensity, using Filter ?Render ?Lens Flare. 使用滤镜-渲染-镜头光晕在图片中如下添加一些小光源。 图13Create the girl shadow. Copy the girl layer (Layer - Duplicate Layer) and make it darker with the command Image ?Adjustments ?Brightness/Contrast. Move it lower then the basic one, just clicking on it and carrying over. Blur a little with Filter ?Blur ?Gaussian Blur. 将女孩所在的图层进行复制,然后使用图像-调整-亮度/对比度,将颜色进行加深,向下微微移动一下,然后点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊进行模糊操作。 图14Add the frame, using Rectangle Tool then copy the frame layer and blur it. 新建层,黑色填充,使用矩形工具将完成的MM背部粘贴到黑色背景上方,并使用滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊将边缘模糊一下。 图15一个效果非常好的蝶蝎美人就完成了,技术是非常简单的,初级用户都可以很简单的完成,但是创意是非常有特色的~希望大家在练习的过程中多多学习一种思维方式,即使不用繁琐的高深的技术也是可以完成非常好的效果的哦~
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